Saturday, November 12, 2016

Nintendo Switch

Helloo! Fierce Deity here. Guess what! Today is the last day before its Pokemon week! Now I know I normally post about Skyward Sword, but today I am going to be talking about something big Nintendo has recently announced will be coming out. That's right, I am talking about the new Nintendo Switch. 

Nintendo has announced that they will be releasing a new system sometime in March, That's right, the new Nintendo Switch. This is one crazy system. It can be a tablet, a controller, or joysticks. When ever you want to switch your playing method, you just switch them! You can play on the TV, or now, you can even play it on the go. I mean, you could be playing Breath of The Wild in the park! That's another thing. Look how many ways you can play Breath of The Wild! At the moment we are not sure about all the color and design options that will be available at purchase, but I am assuming there will be black, white, and maybe some others. There are to be many new games coming on this console, including, our favorites, Breath of The Wild. The Wii and WiiU as we all know, has their games on disks. However, this new system will be going to cartridges, like the DS and 3DS

I personally I am very excited for this new system. Let us know what you think about it in the comments! Also, Nintenbros has a new Instagram page! Check us out @thenintenbrosblog. Make sure to come join us for Pokemon week! Tomorrow we will be doing Super Smash still, but it will be a three way smash. Yes we will be doing (fire vs. water vs. plant types). Until then, Goodbyee!

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