Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Cuccos: Enemy of all Zelda players

Hey everyone! It's Sheik! Now, today.... we are here to discuss one of the biggest evils in the Legend of Zelda series.... Cuccos! Now I know, they are just chickens, but think again! They can be your worst nightmare. If you mess with a cucco, they will stop at nothing to kill you. For instance, in a majority of the games in the series, if you repeatedly hit a cucco with your sword, a giant swarm of them will come and attack you. The worst part is that they are invincible. They cannot be killed, and they will only stop swarming if you enter a building or leave the area. In some games, they can kill you rather quickly. In some instances, a majority of mini games or side quests will require you to work with cuccos, like in Ocarina of time. (I will be posting about that soon).
In Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess, the cuccos don't attack you. They do something different. If you slash at a chicken for awhile, (which is harder in this game because they are so fast) there will not be a swarm, but instead, you will become the cucco! It really isn't that usefull, all you can do is run and jump around. Also, it will wear off after a couple of seconds. You can however, learn how the chicken feels when you go around smacking it all day.
Now as you see, cuccos aren't innocent little birds. They are the root of evil. Once you attack, they will stop at nothing for revenge. Thank you guys for reading. If you want more Zelda stuff, make sure to check out for amazing content! Also, make sure to check out our new Instagram account! Make sure to speak up if you have a suggestion for future posts! Have a Happy Thanksgiving, and bye!

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