Thursday, January 26, 2017

Pokemon Duel!

    Hey guys! Mudkip here, and today we are talking about an awesome new Pokemon game called Pokemon Duel! It's an app, where you travel to an island to compete in a tournament to work your way to the top... and win an entire DIAMOND TOWER? How cool is that!

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   In the game, you get figurines of Pokemon from the games, that you use on a board. The goal of the game is to get one of your Pokemon Statues to your opponent's goal. If your Pokemon is blocked by an enemy Pokemon, you engage in a battle that has everything to do with luck, and little to do with skill. Cool right?]
Image result for pokemon duel battling
   In other Poke-Related news, Pokemon Bank got a brand new update! Now you can trade all of your Pokemon to Sun and Moon, but remember: You can't trade Pokemon BACK to the ORIGINAL GAME! That's all for this week guys! See you next week!

The Triforce

Hey guys! Sheik here! Now I am really short on time today so I am just going to talk about one of the most iconic things in Zelda; the triforce. Now for all out people out there like "What?" it is the three triangles that you can see on anything that is Zelda related. I am going to explain just what it is.

 The triforce is practically one of the main points in Zelda. Get it? Their pointy! Well anyways, in almost every game, the triforce splits into three parts, and give there power to a certain person. 99.9% of the time they go to Link, Zelda, and Ganondarf. The triforce was made by the three goddesses. They put it in the sacred realm to protect it, but it only caused chaos.

There are three parts of the triforce. First we have the triforce of wisdom. This is the bottom right triangle in the triforce. In a majority of the games this piece belongs to Princess Zelda, and it grants her the power of wisdom. This one was made by the goddess Nayru. Next we have the triforce of power. This is the top triangle in the triforce, and in most of the games, it belongs to Ganondarf. This triforce grants him more power than he already has, and he becomes evil with power. This piece was made by the goddess Din. Next we have the triforce of courage. This is the bottom left piece of the triforce. This piece ALWAYS belongs to Link in 99.999999% of the games, and it gives him the courage he needs on his journey. This triforce piece was made by Farore. In almost every game Ganondarf reeeaaally wants all the pieces of the triforce, so he tries to take them

 Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed this post. I am sorry it was so short, but soon I will be doing a post on the mysterious shadow triforce! Well like usual, check out our Instagram @thenintenbrosblog, and also, take note our site name will be changing soon, we will post an update about that soon. Until then, bye!

Monday, January 23, 2017

Metroid: Metroid Prime Trilogy

Warning: May Contain SOME MINOR Spoilers!

You have been warned.

Hello! Samus here! Today I will be talking about the Metroid Prime Trilogy. This trilogy was released in 2009. The three games are Metroid Prime, Metroid Prime 2: Echoes, and Metroid Prime 3: Corruption.
Metroid Prime begins with Samus receiving a distress call from the ship Orpheon. This game is full of action, suspense, and knock-your-socks off moments.
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes continues where the story line left off with Metroid Prime. This game is filled with villains and non-stop action.... and a... doppelganger??? Whose is it? Play to find out!
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption also continues the story. It was released for the Wii Gaming System. This game was so good, it had 1.31 million copies sold worldwide! Wow!

This game trilogy is packed with action, suspense, and a little bit of mystery. I hope you try it out!

Friday, January 20, 2017

Reviewing Super Mario Run

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    Hello everyone its Princess Peach, and before I get started would you like to hear a Mario pun? Of course you would! What did Mario do to talk to the boos? A Luigi board! Get it? Like a Ouija board... Ill go home. Anyway,  fun fact, my very first Nintenbros post was about Super Mario Run, way before it came out. Back when Nintendo fans were hopefully anticipating even the shortest clip of Super Mario Run game-play, when, in reality, it was probably still being worked on and tested out. You know, back IN SUMMER! No? Just me. Well anyway, the game has been out for a couple months and I just recently downloaded it. I decided to do a review ( all personal opinions of course ) of the game overall. Okay, without further ado lest jump into the post!

Gameplay: Okay, so, obviously the main thing to review about a game, is the game-play. The actual game-play is very entertaining and could probably keep you entertained for a decent amount of time, which, is saying a lot for an app game. The controls of the game are medium in difficulty, I only say this because it takes some getting used to. You press down on the screen for a certain amount of time to jump a certain height, which doesn't really sound that difficult but when your trying to collect a purple coin, jump off of walls, get as many coins as possible, try not to die and get through the level quickly its one of the last things on your mind. There you are trying to jump really quickly to get one of the purple coins and most of the time holding down the screen is the last thing on your mind. Mario never stops running either, which is one of the things that makes the game challenging and fun, but, it also makes it harder to collect things. However, I'm not really complaining about that because its what makes the game Super Mario RUN.

Related imageAppearance: The overall appearance of this game is quite breathtaking in my opinion. Keep in mind this is an app game and there isn't a lot of variety as far as good graphic app games goes. Sure it looks like any other modern day Mario game, but those graphics for an app game is really good!

Objective & Backstory: The objective and backstory of the game is pretty basic. In fact its not an abstract or even slightly changed backstory at all! You guessed it! Princess Peach has yet again been kidnapped by Bowser and, you guessed it again, Mario ( your playable character ) has to rescue the damsel in distress once more. They spent a grand total of, what seemed like, forty-five seconds of time on the backstory, and while I'm fully aware that Mario isn't usually a game known for dramatic backstories, Princess Peach literally sent a letter to Mario asking him to come to a party at the castle ( and that she was baking a cake ). Bowser got word of said party and stole Princess Peach before she could throw the party and the Toads got scared and fled Mushroom kingdom... Blah, Blah, Blah, same old, same old.

Price: Now I know what your thinking, Dude, this game is like totally free. To which I say, you are correct my fellow citizen. Except when you get to a certain point you have to pay to unlock more levels. Really the game isn't free, sure you get a few rounds, but you can't beat the game without buying more levels.

   My final review is that I think its worth, at least, trying. I like the game a lot but I don't really want to purchase more levels and I know a lot of you guys don't want to purchase anything especially because Nintendo said that Super Mario Run would be FREE! They had to make money with the app somehow so, in a way, I understand why Nintendo did it, but hey, a little warning would be nice.
   That was my review on Super Mario Run. I hope it helped you decide if you wanted to get the game, or you agreed with some of the reviews I gave it. This is Princess Peach signing off!

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Thursday, January 19, 2017

5 Things You Absolutely Need to do after Sun and Moon!

  Hey guys! What's up and today we are talking about 5 things you must do once you beat Pokemon Sun and Moon! This should be obvious but I'll say it anyways. Beat the game first because WARNING: SPOILERS!

   So first things first. Travel back to the Alter of the Sun (or Moon). Here you will see the Ultra Worm Portal. Now this next part is Super Important. When you visit the Shrine, make sure you have either Solgaleo or Lunala in your party. Also it must be NIGHT. When you have done both of these things, you can enter the portal and visit an ALTERNATE UNIVERSE? (Remember that theory I had about Alternate Universes? Told ya so.) Once here, go to Ula'ula Island and go to Route 17. Somewhere along the line, there's a bridge where you cross a meadow to get to Po Town. Instead of walking straight ahead, turn to the right and continue onto the Lake of the Sunne (or Moon). Once you travel through the temple you will find a level one Cosmog. You evolve this eventually to either Solgaleo or Lunala depending on your version. It will evolve into the same Legendary you already had so you can trade with a friend for their second Pokemon.
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   The second most important thing to do is travel back to the Aether Paradise and go up to the Observation Platform. Once there, Gladeon will give you a Type:Null. Don't worry. It's a different Type:Null than the one he had. So yeah. Don't use GTS to get this Pokemon, you can get your own.
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   The third thing is travel to the Battle Tree on Poni Island. On the way there, you will receive the Mega Evolution Stone and Alakazam's Mega Evolution. Once at the Battle Tree you will be approached by Red and Blue and you get the option to battle one of them.
Image result for mega alakazam

The fourth thing you must do is collect all of the Zygarde Cells. It's a good way to fill out the Pokedex, and you get a super cool Legendary. Zygarde is so fast and can learn some pretty sweet moves.  The only bad thing is this takes sooooo long.
Image result for zygarde
     The final thing you must do is the Ultra Beast missions. Oh yeah and fill out the Pokedex. But these missions are so fun plus you get four new Legendary Pokemon, one million dollars, and a way to trade with your friends because the Ultra Beasts are different for each version of your game!

   Well guys that's it for this week! Stay safe, and I'll see you all next week!

New Zelda Breath of The Wild Trailer

Hey everyone! Sheik here! Today I will be talking about something that we all have been waiting for for a long time. Yup! Breath of The Wild. If you don't already know, Nintendo has released a new trailer, with an OFFICIAL date. (Unlike all the times it was changed). Breath of the Wild is going to be released on March 3rd of this year, on the same day as the Nintendo Switch. Both of these items are available for preorder at Best Buy, Amazon, and Gamestop, however they are selling out fast. There are also other games for pre-order with the switch. There are also three versions of Breath of the Wild that you can purchase. The first is just normal Breath of The Wild, which is selling for $60.

Next, we have Breath of The Wild Special Edition. This sells for about $99 dollars and has a lot more than the normal version. This edition includes Breath of The Wild for the Switch, a tapestry of calamity Ganon and the map of Hyrule, and Sheikah coin, A 24 song Breath of the Wild soundtrack, and a Sheikah slate carrying case. This edition is selling out pretty quickly. Gamestop was sold out by the second day.

The Final version is the Master Edition. This edition is pretty much the exact same as the special edition, except for the fact that it includes a Master Sword figure. This Edition costs thirty dollars more than the other one, and is practicly impossible to find. Every store I have checked was sold out at 4 AM the first day the pre-order was released. It is also impossible to find online, exept for Ebay, which they are being sold for outragous prices. I was able to find a Special Edition before they sold out, but still I have had no luck with the Master.

Now just so that you understand how absolutely amazing this game looks, here is the official trailer.
Now first off, may I just say, the music sounds AMAZING. When I first saw this trailer, I was in pure shock. Everything from the new characters, to the voice actors got me super excited. I am counting down the days until March 3rd.
So what did you think? Let us know in the comments what you thought about the trailer. My next post will be about all five of the brand new Breath of the Wild amiibos being released. Like always remember to follow our Instagram page @thenintenbrosblog, and check out for even more Zelda tips, theories, updates, and more! Until then, Bye!

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Metroid: How Many Games Are There?

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Hello! Welcome back to the Metroid posts! I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Today I will be talking about all the Metroid game titles. So, the question has been asked. How many games are in the Metroid series?
I'm glad you asked. The answer is about 20. There a four main games, a remake, an NES port, two spin-offs, a first-person game, a Metroid Prime trilogy, Metroid: Other M, and many, many other various installments. It's very hard to find all the correct titles with so many versions for various systems and downloadable mini- games. The first Metroid game was released in 1986. The most recent (main and not mini) game (Metroid: Other M) in 2010. I hope you emjoyed this post. Next week (on Monday) we will talk all about the Metroid Prime Trilogy.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

The Legend of Missingno

    An ancient evil has awoken... an evil that Gen 1 Pokemon players have long forgotten about...Missingno.

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      Hello everyone! Mudkip here and today I'm talking about a generation 1 glitch... Missingno. This glitch can crash your game. He's the monstrosity without a face. He haunts the nightmares of baby Mudkips everywhere. But anyway.
      This glitch also appears supposedly in X and Y. If you see Missingno run. Get a professional PokeMaster on your hands. I recommend Red. Missingno is also an unofficial Pokemon. Strange huh? I'm sorry guys that this is a short post but i currently am writing this with a headache. See you next week!
Image result for missingno

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Twilight Princess Wolf Songs

Hey everyone! Sheik here! Today I want to talk about some of the music used in the series. Not just any music though, Twilight Princess music. Now on my opinion, Twilight Princess has the best music known to any video game. You just can't beat it. Today, I will be talking about the wolf songs.

Now incase you didn't know, one of the many things you can do as a wolf is howl. There are about ten songs that you can howl in the game. The first two, are the two playable grasses that you can play as a human. You can call Epona anytime if you howl next to the grass. The howled version of the song is the exact same as the normal one. You can also howl next to the grass you use to call the falcon. The only place where this has an effect is Lake Hylia where it will call the big twilight bird that you can ride on.

Next up are the six songs that you can learn from the howling stones. I talked briefly about these songs awhile ago in my Hero's Shade theory post, but I am just going to give you some reminders. You can learn these songs at howling stones which are scattered all over Hyrule. Once you howl the song, and you play it with Hero's Shade, he will show up in his wolf form somewhere on your map. Five out of the six  songs are from other games in the series. Right now, I am just going to list all of the wolf songs you can learn from the howling stones, and where they come from.
1) The Song of Healing (Majora's Mask)
2) Prelude of Light (Ocarina of Time)
3) Goron's Lullaby (Majora's Mask)
4) Requiem of Spirit (Ocarina of Time)
5) Ballad of Gales (Wind Waker)
6) Twilight Princess Theme (Twilight Princess)
The next Song is one well known by most people. That is of course, Zelda's Lullaby. This song can be learned in front of the sacred grove and is used multiple times inside as well. This is the only song you learn from a stone that can be played more than once.
Well that's all I have for you today! I hope that you enjoy! Please leave any questions or comments you have in the comments! Make sure to check out our Instagram page @thenintenbrosblog, and check out for even more Zelda tips, theories, updates, and more! Until then, Bye!!!

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Super Smash Bros

Helloo! Fierce Deity here! Today I will be talking about Super Smash Bros. Since it is Super Smash Sunday, I thought I would talk about Super Smash Bros. Without further ado let's begin!

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If You don't know what Super Smash Bros is, it is a fighting game with all of your favorite Nintendo characters! You can play against a friend or CPUs. You can do a normal smash with four players, or an eight player smash with eight players. While you are fighting you can get power ups, including: guns, mushrooms, and characters. You can also get the Super Smash Bros power up which lets you do a special move depending on your character. I will also be talking about the different characters for Pokemon, Zelda, Mario, and Metroid. For Pokemon there is Pikachu, Lucario, Charizard, Greninja, and JigglyPuff. For Zelda there is Princess Zelda, Link, Shiek, Ganondorf, and Toon Link. For Metroid there is Samus and Zero-Suit Samus. For Mario there is Mario, Luigi, Peach, Bowser, Rosalina and Luna, Bowser Jr., Wario, and Yoshi.

I hope you liked my post! I personally love Super Smash Bros, and I suggest that you should go buy the game if you are interested! I think i'm gonna go play Super Smash Bros right now! Please comment down below, and i'll see you next Saturday! byee!

Friday, January 6, 2017

Three Weird Facts About The Mario Games

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    Hello everyone! Its Princess Peach here, back with another post. Today's post is going to be about three weird facts about the Mario franchise. Without further ado, lets jump right into the post.

1) Mario is Killing People
    I know what your thinking. Your probably thinking this is a myth or conspiracy, but I assure this fact is one hundred percent real. Mario is killing innocent people.The user manual from Super Mario Bros. tells that when the Koopas' invaded they turned all the residents into brick blocks. Mario smashes almost any brick block he comes across.

2) Super Mario Bros. 3 Never Even Happened
    Possibly one of the most popular conspiracy theories ever revolves around this very fact. Many fans believe that Super Mario Bros. 3 is just a play, based on a curtain opening at the beginning of the game, platforms being bolted or nailed down to the background and many other little things that lead people to believe this. While some people believe that all of the Mario games are simply a staged act. However, one of these theories was confirmed by Shigeru Miyamoto himself! It is the theory that Super Mario Bros. 3 is a staged act. Shigeru said in an interview that Super Mario Bros. 3 is just a theater performance and it never actually happened.
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3) Wart has Also Been in Zelda
    Wart is best known as being the villain from Super Mario Bros. 2 and can sometimes hit a mean home-run in Mario Super Slugger Baseball. However, what some people don't know is that Wart actually made it into the amazing world of Zelda! He was in Legend of Zelda: Links Awakening. In Links Awakening Wart goes by his original name Mamu. There, he aided Link with his quest by teaching him a song.
    Those were three weird facts about Mario! I hope you learned something new! This is Princess Peach signing off.   

Thursday, January 5, 2017


 WARNING: SUN AND MOON SPOILERS! Hello everyone! I've played through the Pokemon Sun and Moon game (I beat it in Three days) and let's just say it's the most amazing game ever. Before we get farther into this: WARNING: EXTREME SPOILERS HERE! GO BEAT POKEMON SUN/MOON BEFORE READING THIS! YOU'VE BEEN WARNED!

   Ok anyway, if you've beaten the game you know that Lillie leaves for Kanto to become a Pokemon trainer. Was I the only one not ready for this to happen? Anyway, we assume she'es leaving to become a trainer. But a better question is: why? After all, Alola has most of the same Pokemon (just different forms) plus a whole variety of better Pokemon! Plus the weather is waaaay nicer. Well, after you start doing the UB missions, (Ultra Beast missions) We learn from Wicke at Aether Labs, that Lillie left for Kanto to find a cure for her mother who has been poisoned by fusing with the Ultra Beast Nihelego and becoming this crazy Ultra-Lady. Once in Kanto, we learn that she learns to find Bill, the guy who invented the PC in generation one. It is said that he once fused with a Pokemon, and found a cure for it. Like whoa. This is deep stuff.
Image result for lusamine fused with nihilego
So now we know that she left for Kanto. But how did she get to Alola before? After all she looks nothing like the locals. For one thing, the blond hair gives that away. After all one family has blond hair in the whole game! Plus after the game, if you travel to the Professor's Lab and go up to Lillie's Loft, you learn that she wrote in her diary how surprised she was that Alola had no gyms. Also, Wicke tells you that she larned of Bill the PC guy via book. But what if she already knew him because she previously lived in Kanto? This is just a theory, but it's an intriguing one.
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  So guys that's it for this weeks post! Comment down below what you thought of Lillie in Sun and Moon!

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Link is NOT Dead in Majora's Mask

Hey guys! Sheik here! Now today I will actually be talking about the Link is dead in Majora's Mask theory. Now, you are allowed to believe whatever you want, but today I am going to tell you why this theory is INCORRECT! Gasp! Well, I have a lot of reasons why this theory is totally wrong and I am just going to jump in with my top three reasons! Hope you enjoy!

Ok, so first, most people think he died when he was falling in to Termina. Now first off, he lands on a Deku flower, which does not damage you if you fall. Why would it suddenly turn deadly? Also, Link is the chosen hero of the gods, falling down a hole is not going to kill him! He has the triforce of courage for crying out loud! It just doesn't add up why he would so suddenly just die.

Onto my second reason! As many of you may know, you can make wooden statues of the current mask you are wearing. Most people say that since you can make a statue of yourself you must be dead. WRONG! First off, it is simply a statue of your current state. You don't have to be dead to have a statue. Also, if you haven't noticed, the Link statue is the only one with pupils in the eyes, representing that he is still alive.

Ok now my final bit of proof here is pretty much my Hero's Shade theory I posted. If Link died in Majora's Mask, how is he Hero's Shade? First, if he died as a child, he would turn into a skull kid. As far as I am aware, Hero's Shade is not a skull kid. Also, if he died, how did he marry Malon, and actually have generations of kids, leading up to Twilight Princess Link? It once again, doesn't make any sense.

Well that's all I have for you today! Like I said, you are allowed to have your own opinions. Let me know in the comments if there is anything else that you would like to add! Like always check out our Instagram @thenintenbrosblog and check out for even more Zelda tips, theories, and facts! Until then, Bye homies!