Thursday, December 1, 2016

Different Pokeballs and What They are Good for

    Hey guys! Mudkip here and today we are talking about different Pokeballs and what they are good for. Also we've reached 1000 views on NintenBros! Awesome! So let's get right into it!

Here are the normal Pokeballs that will catch any type of Pokemon:
Masterball (catches any Pokeon without fail. But be warned: You only get 1 per game.)

Now, these next Pokeballs work on certain types of Pokemon, and their location.
Levelball: Catches Pokemon at the catch rate of 2x if your active Pokemon is higher, yet lower than double the level of the wild Pokemon.

Lureball: Catches Pokemon at a catch rate of 3x if you use it while fishing.

Moonball: Has a catch rate of 4x on Pokemon from these families: Nidoran, Clefairy, Jigglypuff, and Skitty.

Friendball: This will raise the happiness of the caught Pokemon to 200.

Loveball: Has a catch rate of 8x if your active Pokemon is the same type, yet opposite gender of the wild Pokemon you are tying to catch.

Heavyball: This ball has a higher catch rate the heavier the wild Pokemon.

Fastball: Has a catch rate of 4x if the Pokemon has a base speed of 100+.

Sportball: Has a catch rate of 1.5x.

Premierball: Has a catch rate of 1x.

Repeatball: Has a catch rate of 3x if the wild Pokemon has been caught by you before.

Timerball: The catch rate goes up for the longer the battle goes on.

Nestball: Has a higher catch rate the LOWER the Pokemon.

Netball: Has a catch rate of 3x if used on Water and Bug types.

Diveball: Has a catch rate of 3.5 on Pokemon you find while surfing.

Luxuryball: Increases happiness at a higher/quicker rate.

Healball: Makes caught Pokemon heal up.

Quickball: Has a catch rate of 4x if used in the start of a battle.

Duskball: Has a catch rate of 3.5x if used at night or in caves.

Cherishball: Contains event Pokemon.

Parkball: Always works, but this ball is only available in Pal Park.

Image result for all the pokeballs

   Well guys that's all for today! Comment down below if you've played Sun and Moon yet, and PLEASE NO SPOILERS!!!!!!!! IF YOU SPOIL YOUR COMMENT WILL BE DELETED!

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