Thursday, December 15, 2016

The Ice Legendaries!

   Hey everyone! Since it's cold outside, today I am talking about three Ice type Legendaries. They are Kyurem, Articuno, and Regice. So let's get into it!
Image result for regice

Image result for kyurem

Image result for articuno

    So let's start with Articuno. He's the ice/flying type member of the bird trio in Generation One. Next up we have Regice. He's a member of the Regigas trio and appears in the game Black 2, along side Kyurem. Kyurem is the third member of the Zekrom, Reshiram trio. Kyurem is mistreated by team plasma and is trying to form a connection with humans.
    I'm sorry guys that this post is short, but with the Holidays coming up, I don't have a lot of spare time! Happy Holidays!

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