Thursday, December 8, 2016


Hey gamers! Mudkip here, and today we are talking about some of the Pokemon Sun and Moon entries! These can get pretty dark, and while I'm not judging since I love Pokemon, these are dark. WARNING! Potential spoilers.... I guess...?
Image result for pokedex gen 1 blank background

   Starting off with the Gengar entry. This one is scary. It reads, "If you feel yourself attacked by a sudden chill, it is evidence of an approaching Gengar. There is no escape. Give up."
Like daaaaang! Give up? Holy cow! Here are a few more:

Primeape: "It has been known to become so angry that it dies. It's face looks peaceful in death, however."

Cubone: "When it thinks of it's deceased mother, it weeps loudly. Mandibuzz that hear it's cries will attack from the air."

Sharpedo: "It has a sad history. In the past, it's dorsal fin was a treasured foodstuff, so this Pokemon became a victim of over fishing."

Again, I looooove Pokemon. This doesn't make me hate the game, this is just history and facts about Pokemon that are kind of creepy. But I've heard worse Pokedex facts! Thanks guys for reading! Stay safe out there gamers! Comment down below the creepiest Pokedex entry you've ever heard!

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