Thursday, January 19, 2017

New Zelda Breath of The Wild Trailer

Hey everyone! Sheik here! Today I will be talking about something that we all have been waiting for for a long time. Yup! Breath of The Wild. If you don't already know, Nintendo has released a new trailer, with an OFFICIAL date. (Unlike all the times it was changed). Breath of the Wild is going to be released on March 3rd of this year, on the same day as the Nintendo Switch. Both of these items are available for preorder at Best Buy, Amazon, and Gamestop, however they are selling out fast. There are also other games for pre-order with the switch. There are also three versions of Breath of the Wild that you can purchase. The first is just normal Breath of The Wild, which is selling for $60.

Next, we have Breath of The Wild Special Edition. This sells for about $99 dollars and has a lot more than the normal version. This edition includes Breath of The Wild for the Switch, a tapestry of calamity Ganon and the map of Hyrule, and Sheikah coin, A 24 song Breath of the Wild soundtrack, and a Sheikah slate carrying case. This edition is selling out pretty quickly. Gamestop was sold out by the second day.

The Final version is the Master Edition. This edition is pretty much the exact same as the special edition, except for the fact that it includes a Master Sword figure. This Edition costs thirty dollars more than the other one, and is practicly impossible to find. Every store I have checked was sold out at 4 AM the first day the pre-order was released. It is also impossible to find online, exept for Ebay, which they are being sold for outragous prices. I was able to find a Special Edition before they sold out, but still I have had no luck with the Master.

Now just so that you understand how absolutely amazing this game looks, here is the official trailer.
Now first off, may I just say, the music sounds AMAZING. When I first saw this trailer, I was in pure shock. Everything from the new characters, to the voice actors got me super excited. I am counting down the days until March 3rd.
So what did you think? Let us know in the comments what you thought about the trailer. My next post will be about all five of the brand new Breath of the Wild amiibos being released. Like always remember to follow our Instagram page @thenintenbrosblog, and check out for even more Zelda tips, theories, updates, and more! Until then, Bye!

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