Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Metroid: How Many Games Are There?

Image result for metroid games
Hello! Welcome back to the Metroid posts! I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Today I will be talking about all the Metroid game titles. So, the question has been asked. How many games are in the Metroid series?
I'm glad you asked. The answer is about 20. There a four main games, a remake, an NES port, two spin-offs, a first-person game, a Metroid Prime trilogy, Metroid: Other M, and many, many other various installments. It's very hard to find all the correct titles with so many versions for various systems and downloadable mini- games. The first Metroid game was released in 1986. The most recent (main and not mini) game (Metroid: Other M) in 2010. I hope you emjoyed this post. Next week (on Monday) we will talk all about the Metroid Prime Trilogy.



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